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Since 22 December 2003

Anthony M. Ludovici
saying the unsayable about sex, race, religion, politics, art

"A fearless approach to the truth" — that's how the British writer Anthony M. Ludovici (1882–1971) described his own character.

Throughout his thirty-odd books on subjects as varied as ideal marriage partners, Nietzschean philosophy, private property, the sculptor Rodin, and elitism, the penetrating and well-informed Ludovici always lays his cards on the table. Every page he wrote sparkles with incandescent ideas that stimulate debate.

Virtually alone among Western thinkers, Anthony M. Ludovici unravels the sickness afflicting modern art; argues that men should never have given the vote to women; explains why democracy culminates in anarchy; and discusses the evolutionary ethics that mankind needs for survival in a hostile universe.

Because mainstream publishers are frightened by intellectual dissidents, this website is now starting to publish Ludovici's works online. So if you already know which Ludovici books, essays, short stories and poems you want to read, simply click on TEXTS. Or if you want some guidance about the man's best work, then click on INTRODUCTION.

Creating and maintaining this site is a labor of love, but web hosting services demand money. If you value Ludovici's work and ours and would like this site to continue, please consider making a donation.

If you find Ludovici's writings enlightening and enjoyable, we urge you to visit our BOOKSHOP and purchase a copy of the 2003 anthology The Lost Philosopher: The Best of Anthony M. Ludovici, edited by John V. Day.
Anthony Ludovici